Wednesday, 30 May 2012

CDG/EoE Workshop: Manage Yourself & CV Skills

Manage yourself & CV skills workshop
A CILIP CDG & EoE region joint event, 12 July 2012 1-5pm
Conference Room Bury St Edmunds Library, IP33 1TZ

A half-day participative event to help you develop these transferrable work and life skills. 

Please bring a copy of your CV with you if you have one. You will also be asked to keep a work log for a short period before the event.

Manage yourself: how to be more productive with your time- manage incoming information
- prioritise tasks
- break down projects into more manageable parts
- tracking progress
- reflecting and learning

(Dr Geraint Story, Independent Trainer)
CV skills: review your resume- identify your unique selling points
- match your CV to the job specification
- what to include in a covering letter
- learning from feedback
(Louise Bachelor, Next Step)

Networking opportunityJoin us from 12 noon in the library cafe for an opportunity to network before the workshop.

Refreshments will be provided.

CDG/EoE region members: £25 + VAT = £30
Early Bird: CDG//EoE region members payable by 8 June: £20 + VAT = £24
Non CDG/EoE region members:  £30 + VAT = £36

For more information or to book a place, email:

Care in the community

I stumbled across this article from The Bookseller published a couple of months ago. Thought I 'd share it:

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Your browser is no longer supported by Blogger...

I guess this means that my professional development should be done in my own time at home and not at work over lunch!

It is difficult to reconcile the fact that library authorities require that staff keep abreast of 'e-developments' to enable them to help customers when the IT infrastructure within the libraries do not support the use of social media like Twitter, Blogger, Google Docs because the browser is out of date.

Monday, 21 May 2012

Event organising

Currently organising a training event 'Manage Yourself and CV Workshop' for East of England region and Career Development group. 12 July Bury St Edmunds Library. Look out for booking information from next week.

I could certainly do with help organising incoming information and managing my time outside of work!  I am feeling swapped as I am currently looking for a new job because of possible redundancy and trying to finish my chartership portfolio. At work I feel relatively organised as I have been told in the past that I am very task oriented - inter library loans is certainly full of these...